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Hebei guokong food co., LTD was elected as the 7th vice President unit of China alcohol circulation association

2019/11/27 09:28
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On November 22, 2019, the second board of the seventh session of China liquor circulation association and the summary conference of sichuan liangshan poverty alleviation and public welfare activity wa

On November 22, 2019, the second board of the seventh session of China liquor circulation association and the summary conference of sichuan liangshan poverty alleviation and public welfare activity was held in Qingdao. Liu shuzhai, deputy secretary, vice chairman and general manager of hebei guokong food co., LTD., attended the meeting.


The meeting elected the 7th vice President and director of China alcohol circulation association, and summarized the annual work of the association. The meeting also on the sichuan liangshan state poverty alleviation public welfare activities to commend the summary. As the representative of hebei province, hebei guokong food company was elected as the vice President unit.



As a state-owned comprehensive food enterprise, hebei guokong food company has a high reputation and influence in the field of alcohol product sales, and its work has been recognized by China alcohol circulation association. In the future, hebei guokong food company will continue to consolidate the main industry, strive to make progress, and make due contributions to the development of hebei food industry.


He Zhongqiang, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the provincial state control company and secretary of the party committee of the business group, led the team to visit the food control company to investigate and guide the work of the company.

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